Do you often search for immunity boosters online for a better immune system? If yes, then you have come to the right platform! It’s essential to wash hands regularly to stay healthy. Exercising and eating right goes a long way in keeping your immune system healthy. But the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial. You can prepare your immunity booster at home by blending some powerful ingredients. This potent juice will not only make your immune system healthy but also make you glow all day!
Recipe- Ingredients needed for better Immunity system and the preparation
To prepare this potent juice, you would need the following ingredients:
- One grapefruit
- One orange
- One lemon
- One teaspoon of honey
- One teaspoon of thyme
Just blend all of them. Don’t add sugar to enhance its taste. You might not like the taste, but it’s full of antioxidants and vitamin C that help build our immunity. Citrus fruits are acidic, so it’s better not to combine them with other sweet fruits. The addition of thyme to this blend of citrus fruits makes it a perfect immune booster.
Let’s look at the individual benefits of grapefruit, thyme, orange, honey, and lemon for a better Immune System.
To prepare this potent juice, the first ingredient you would need is ‘Grapefruit’. Yes! You’ve heard it right! Grapefruit is an exotic fruit that’s low in calories and full of nutrients. It’s good for the skin and helps to lower the risk of many diseases. This fruit can be your best friend as it boosts weight loss as a part of an overall healthy and varied diet. Grapefruits combat free radicals and are suitable for the heart. They may have the potential to prevent diabetes. Half of a medium-sized grapefruit contains the following significant nutrients:
1. Calories-52
2. Carbs-13 grams
3. Protein- 1 gram
4. Fibre- 2 grams
5. Vitamin C- 64% of the RDI
6. Vitamin A- 28% of the RDI
7. Potassium- 5% of the RDI
8. Thiamine- 4% of the RDI
9. Folate- 5% of the RDI
10. Magnesium- 3% of the RDI
*RDI- Reference Daily Intake

Thyme is a powerful herb that can do wonders. It protects against hypertension and helps in fighting off foodborne bacterial infections. It’s so powerful that it can also induce death in breast cancer cells. According to scientists at Leeds Metropolitan University in England, thyme preparations may be more effective than acne prescription creams.
It’s also known to improve vision as it is rich in Vitamin A. Due to its antiseptic and antibiotic properties; it can serve as an excellent remedy for cold, cough, and sore throat. According to a study, it’s known to treat bronchitis. This herb has an aqueous extract that reduces blood pressure in hypertensive conditions. Since thyme is rich in iron, vitamin K, calcium, and manganese, it improves bone health and makes them durable. Don’t think of preparing this potent juice without adding thyme.
Many of us know that oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and boost our immunity but other than this they have over 170 different phytochemicals and more than 60 flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties and strong antioxidant effects. Oranges also contain other vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and copper in small quantities. They keep blood pressure under check and also lower our cholesterol level. The natural fruit sugar in oranges helps in maintaining blood sugar levels from rising too high after eating. Oranges may help in reducing the risk of respiratory diseases, cancers, ulcers, and kidney stones.
Honey is not only sweet but also an excellent antiseptic. It has antibacterial properties and studies have found that honey can help prevent conditions like gastroesophageal reflux. It helps heal burns and minimizes seasonal allergies and fights off bacterial infections. It is rich in antioxidants that help in lowering blood pressure. Honey can treat a cough by reducing its symptoms. It also eases sinus problems and is excellent for our skin. The addition of honey will make this potent juice tastier.
Many of us start our day with a glass of lemon water, and we all know how refreshing it is. Lemons are high in vitamin-C, fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and many beneficial plant compounds. They support heart health, help in weight loss, prevent kidney stones, protect against anemia, reduce cancer risk, and improve digestive health. Lemons help with digestion, regulating natural bowel movement. They have anti-inflammatory properties that help in fighting respiratory tract infections. Lemons flush out toxins from our body and keep our liver clean and healthy. They are potent detoxifying agents and maintain the ph balance of the body.
Now that we know all the benefits let’s enjoy this super high juice to become stronger!